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Monthly Value Updates-1

Your landing page and widget can now send monthly value alerts to your leads! 

The users may chose to receive the updates by checking the box when they check for the first time: both on the landing page and the widget! 

Monthly Value Updates -showing

See the live previews below:

The email sent to the users will have your signature and call to action to contact you directly. 

Overall here is the complete list of features of this system!

  1. Highly-converting Landing page (base feature)
  2. White-labeled widget easily to install on your website (optional feature)
  3. Eye-catching animation for your widget that allows it to stand out within other elements on your website (optional feature)
  4. Phone verification to get 100% valid phone numbers (optional feature)
  5. Google Ads Campaign to acquire leads for you (optional feature)
  6. HubSpot CRM where you can get the leads to (optional feature)
  7. Other CRM integrations (subject to feature availability) (optional feature)
  8. Monthly Value Update Alerts linked both to your landing page and widget  (optional feature)

 All features available both for CANADA and USA! From Coast to Coast!!